Title : Demokrasiall
Genre : Street punk
Label : Greenpeacedistro
Genre : Street punk
Label : Greenpeacedistro
Date release : July 29, 2016
Status : Sold out
Status : Sold out
Listen :
Tracklist :
Dua Derajat
Penindasan Buruh Kasor
Fasis (Derita Jiwa)
Pang Kelapa Sawit
Dua Derajat
Penindasan Buruh Kasor
Fasis (Derita Jiwa)
Pang Kelapa Sawit
Tikam Belakang
Review :
"When we created the band Antara Dua Darjat eight years ago, we had no idea how far it would go. We just wanted to share our fiery youth. In that open space we created music together, channeled ideas and protested what that is wrong in our environment through the music itself. There are many more things that we cannot do because distance and time limit us as before. Then there is the willingness of Pidot (Green Peace Distro) to re-release our work in cassette material". This is part of the notes written by Antara Dua Darjat on this inlay tape, describes as if this is the last release from those who have been away from the scene until now. "Demokrasial" was released on July 29, 2016, featuring 8 songs including 2 bonus songs .I didn't know about Antara Dua Darjat before and I thought the two bonus recordings were never released anywhere their previous releases. Among the Dua Darjat come from Kulai / Kota Tinggi, most likely from some FELDA areas in those districts and for that reason they are often said to represent the P.K.S (Punk Kelapa Sawit) community. The songs of this band, which are all in Malay, also clearly fight for the plight of the children of farmers / felda farm workers, as in the songs Penidasan Buruh Kasar and Pang Kelapa Sawit, in addition to other messages including anti-discrimination, anti-fascist, motivation and rights- the right to freedom. The music of this band consisting of Acyd (vocals), Pojie (guitar), Mamat (guitar/vocals), Ajib (bass) and Naz (drums) is directed towards Street Punk Rock; lively, given strength in the melodic aspect, a simple structure in others where sometimes as simple as playing 2-chords / 3-chords, songs that I find easy to digest but good to entertain. After more than two years of release, I think this cassette-tape limited to only 100 copies is no longer available in the domestic DIY hardcore punk scene market.
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